姐的英文怎么写 姐妹英语怎么说

2024-05-03 1258 明贵知识网

姐姐 [jiě jie] ;sister; elder sister; [电影]Fury Or Love;双语例句;

1;他姐姐萨拉帮助了他。 ;His sister Sarah helped him. ;《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 ;

2;我的姐姐给了我这本非常好看的书。 ;My sister's given me this brilliant book. ;《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 ;

3;现在她已经退休了,和姐姐一起住。 ;Now that she was retired she lived with her sister. ;《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 ;

4;姐姐伊冯娜也来到奥克肯登小屋和我一起住了。 ;My sister Yvonne also came to live at Ockenden Cottage with me. ;《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》 ;

5;他姐姐说他故意给医院留了假名字和假地址。 ;His sister said he had deliberately given the hospital a false name and address.

姐的英文怎么写 扩展

“姐姐”的英语单词写法:sister 读法:英 ['sɪstə] 美 ['sɪstɚ] 释义:

1、n. 姐妹;(称志同道合者)姐妹;修女;护士Little Sister小妹 Sister college姐妹学院Sister Rose姊妹花sister cities友好城市例句:1、I regarded her as my own sister.我把她看作自己的姐姐。

2、She brought her sister to my office.她把姐姐带到我办公室。扩展资料读法:英 ['brʌðə] 美 ['brʌðɚ] 释义:1、n. 兄弟;同事;战友2、int. 我的老兄!

3、n. (Brother)人名;(英)布拉泽短语:1、Big Brother老大哥 2、Blood brother亲兄弟3、Little Brother小兄弟4、Brother John小约翰

